S90 TechOps & DevOps was started in 2012 by Sean Crowley and Matt Riggio. S90 is a TechOps and DevOps service provider for IT Managers looking to expand their team and capabilities without the overhead of additional staff.
Mercury Green is a project that Sean and his wife, Sasha, started in 2020. The focus and purpose of MG is to find strategic partnerships in our network and our community that will allow for collaboration and creativity that brings new and exciting adventures.
Team GSD was founded by Sasha Crowley in 2019 to empower leaders in the for-profit sector to get "stuff" done. There are several reasons why certain organizations have trouble moving forward and executing on initiatives, and Team GSD has designed methods for helping teams execute through coaching, process improvement, training and strategy.
With Sean's vast experience in the IT support industry, Our IT Team was designed to offer fully automated IT support services for IT Managers around the world to quickly and easily get the insights they are needing to effectively run their TechOps. Traditionally, this information can only be provided by an MSP or a significant investment in tooling and infrastructure.
QFF is a private money lender established specifically for short-term residential investors (House Flippers). QFF using private money from Qualified Investors and lends it to house flippers with no origination fees, so the house flippers are able to maximize their operating profits.